5-5 Attaining the Entrusting Heart
Attaining the entrusting heart lies in understanding the Eighteenth Vow. To understand this Vow means to understand what “Namo Amida Butsu” is. And so, when one takes refuge, that is, “namo,” in Amida in one thought-moment, “making aspiration and directing virtue” is implied. This means that Amida Tathagata directs virtue to us, foolish beings.
This is taught in the Larger Sutra as “bringing all sentient beings to the attainment of virtues.” So it follows that all the karmic evil and blind passions which we have given rise to since the beginningless past are completely extinguished by the inconceivable Vow-Power. Hence, we dwell in the stage of nonretrogression, or the stage of the truly settled.
This is the meaning of the statement “we attain nirvana without severing blind passions.” This teaching is unique to our tradition, and so should not be discussed with followers of other schools. This we should carefully bear in mind.
Humbly and respectfully.
5-5 信心獲得章
信心獲得すといふは第十八の願をこころうるなり。 この願をこころうるといふは、 南無阿弥陀仏のすがたをこころうるなり。 このゆゑに、 南無と帰命する一念の処に発願回向のこころあるべし。 これすなはち弥陀如来の凡夫に回向しましますこころなり。
これを ¬大経¼ (上) には、 「令諸衆生功徳成就」 と説けり。 されば無始以来つくりとつくる悪業煩悩を、 のこるところもなく願力不思議をもつて消滅するいはれあるがゆゑに、 正定聚不退の位に住すとなり。
これによりて、 「煩悩を断ぜずして涅槃をう」 といへるはこのこころなり。 この義は当流一途の所談なるものなり。 他流の人に対して、 かくのごとく沙汰あるべからざるところなり。 よくよくこころうべきものなり。
あなかしこ、 あなかしこ。
Index of individual letters:
Other Resources:
Letters of Rennyo: The Essence of Shin Buddhism (essay/talk by Rev. Daien T. Haseo)
Letters of Rennyo – On Youtube (presented by Rev. Sugahara Yuki)
Complete Letters of Rennyo translation by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai follow this link to their website to download a copy.
To purchase the book ‘Letters of Rennyo’ , Translated by as part of the Hongwanji Shin Buddhism Translation Series, this is the publication information & link:

- Title :Letters of Rennyo
- ¥1,100
- Author :Shin Buddhism Translation Series
- Language :English
- ISBN :4-938490-20-X
- pages :164
Buy from Hongwanji International Center: https://international.hongwanji.or.jp/html/c3b1p1.html
If you would like a digital copy containing more translated letters than listed above (albeit not translated by Hongwanji), you can download a PDF from the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK – Amercia) website here: Link: https://bdkamerica.org/product/tannisho-passages-deploring-deviations-of-faith-and-rennyo-shonin-ofumi-the-letters-of-rennyo/
Credits: The text for the Letters of Rennyo as presented on this and subsequent pages was originally shared on the following site : http://www.yamadera.info/seiten/seiten_index.htm
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