In Jodo Shinshu we recognize the following scriptures as fundamental to our teaching. It is through these scriptures that Shinran Shonin and The Seven Patriarchs of Jodo Shinshu developed the Pure Land Path we are walking today. The many commentaries on the below sutras written by the seven Patriarchs of Jodo Shinshu are also very influential texts in our tradition. These will be addressed in their own pages.
The Three Pure Land Sutras (Jodo Sambukyo)
Delivered by Sakyamuni Buddha
– The Sutra of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life
(JP: Bussetsu Muryoju Kyo)
also known as the Larger Sutra (JP: Daikyo)
The Larger Sutra on Amitāyus is also known as the Larger Sukhāvatīvyūha, and more informally as the Large Amida Sutra. It is one of the three basic sūtras of the Pure Land Faith. It relates how the mendicant monk Dharmākara, practicing under the Tathāgata Lokeśvararāja, made 48 vows to save all suffering people. To fulfil these vows he created a paradise in the west called Sukhāvatī, and in fulfilling his vows he became the Buddha Amitāyus. The sūtra states that if anyone believing in these 48 vows should chant the name of Amitāyus, he will be born in the paradise of Sukhāvatī and there become a buddha.
In Japan the various Pure Land sects turn to this sūtra, known as the Muryō Jukyō, as the source of frequently recited excerpts, including the Sanbutsu Ge, a poem in which Dharmākara extols his teacher Lokesvararaja, and the Jūsei Ge, a summary of the 48 vows
(source: BDK)
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Where to buy?
> Hongwanji publication: The Three Pure Land Sutra (Volume II)
> Honwganji Book store link:
– The Sutra of Contemplation of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life (JP: Bussetsu Kammuryoju Kyo)
also known as the Contemplation or Meditation sutra (JP: Kangyo)
Amitāyus, known informally as The Meditation Sūtra or The Contemplation Sūtra, is one of the three basic sūtras of the Pure Land Faith. It relates the story of King Ajātaśatru and his mother Vaidehī. One day Vaidehī, who was in a state of continual anguish owing to the wicked practices of her son, invokes the help of Śākyamuni. He comes to her, and to assuage her anguish, shows her countless paradises in all directions,and asks her to choose one. She chooses the Sukhāvatī Paradise of Amitāyus in the west, and so Śākyamuni gave a detailed description of this paradise by means of 16 types of visualization.
(source: BDK)
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Where to buy?
> Hongwanji publication: The Three Pure Land Sutra (Volume I)
> Honwganji Book store link:
– The Sutra of Amida Buddha (JP: Bussetsu Amida Kyo)
Also known as the Amida Sutra, the Smaller Sutra (JP: Shokyo)
The Smaller Sutra on Amitāyus is the shortest of the three basic sūtras of the Pure Land Faith, and is known informally as The Smaller Sukhātīvyūha or The Smaller Amida Sutra, and is frequently recited at religious services. It starts by describing the splendors of Sukhāvatī, the western paradise of Amitāyus, and then explains what must be done to be born there. The Buddhas of the six directions (east, west, north, south, above and below) extol the virtues of the Buddha Amitāyus, and in conclusion it is recommended that one should generate the desire to be born in this paradise by believing in and chanting the name of Amitāyus.
(source: BDK)
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Where to buy?
> Hongwanji publication: The Three Pure Land Sutra (Volume I)
> Honwganji Book store link:
To view in the book store click the above links or visit the main book store page here:

- Title :The Three Pure Land Sutra (Volume I)
- ¥1,100
- Author :Shin Buddhism Translation Series
- Language :English
- ISBN :4-89416-969-X
- pages :105

- Title :The Three Pure Land Sutra (Volume II)
- ¥1,650
- Author :Shin Buddhism Translation Series
- Language :English
- ISBN :978-4-89416-023-1
- pages :151
Read online from the BDK America Tripitaka archive
As of the date of publishing this page there are no known online sources of the translations of the above books as translated by the Shin Buddhism Translation Series (Hongwanji).
You can, however, find a PDF version online at the BDK America website
published in 2003 translated by Inagaki Hisao and included in the BDK Tripiṭaka translated works, A project of epic proportion and being added to all the time.
Follow this link to visit the BDK America site to download the PDF version:
reassuringly ‘The section numbers supplied in this translation follow those in the 1988 edition of the three Pure Land sutras in the Jōdo shinshū seiten (Hompa Hongwanji Temple, Kyoto), pp. 3–128.‘
These three sutras are a very useful point of reference when furthering your studies of the Pure Land traditions. We turn always to Shinran Shonin for his guidance in interpreting these sutras as well as helping us understand the teachings of the seven Pure Land patriarchs of our tradition.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.