5-22 The Teaching of Our Tradition
If you wish to know thoroughly the essentials of the teaching recommended in our tradition and attain birth in the land of bliss, you should, first of all, know about the entrusting heart of Other Power.
What is the entrusting heart of Other Power for? It is the provision by which helpless beings like us can easily be born in the Pure Land.
How is it to have the entrusting heart of Other Power? It is simply to awaken a single thought of entrusting with single-minded and unwavering reliance on Amida Tathagata without any qualms; then the Buddha unfailingly sends forth the embracing light and keeps you within it while you are in this Sahā world. This is precisely how your birth is settled.
Thus, “Namo Amida Butsu” itself is how the entrusting heart of Other Power has been established in you. You should understand that this entrusting heart reveals how “Namo Amida Butsu” has been fulfilled. So you should not have even a trace of doubt that only by attaining this entrusting heart of Other Power, you are to be easily born in the land of bliss.
How wonderful is Amida’s Primal Vow! How could you express your deep gratitude for Amida’s benevolence? You should express your gratitude for the benevolence of Amida Tathagata by simply reciting “Namo Amida Butsu” always, whether awake or asleep.
What should be your motivation for saying “Namo Amida Butsu”? Remember that it is to express your joyful gratitude and appreciation to the benevolence of Amida Tathagata for saving you.
Humbly and respectfully.
5-22 当流勧化章
そもそも、 当流勧化のおもむきをくはしくしりて、 極楽に往生せんとおもはんひとは、 まづ他力の信心といふことを存知すべきなり。
それ、 他力の信心といふはなにの要ぞといへば、 かかるあさましきわれらごときの凡夫の身が、 たやすく浄土へまゐるべき用意なり。
その他力の信心のすがたといふはいかなることぞといへば、 なにのやうもなく、 ただひとすぢに阿弥陀如来を一心一向にたのみたてまつりて、 たすけたまへとおもふこころの一念おこるとき、 かならず弥陀如来の摂取の光明を放ちて、 その身の娑婆にあらんほどは、 この光明のなかに摂めおきましますなり。 これすなはちわれらが往生の定まりたるすがたなり。
されば南無阿弥陀仏と申す体は、 われらが他力の信心をえたるすがたなり。 この信心といふは、 この南無阿弥陀仏のいはれをあらはせるすがたなりとこころうべきなり。 さればわれらがいまの他力の信心ひとつをとるによりて、 極楽にやすく往生すべきことの、 さらになにの疑もなし。
あら、 殊勝の弥陀如来の本願や。 このありがたさの弥陀の御恩をば、 いかがして報じたてまつるべきぞなれば、 ただねてもおきても南無阿弥陀仏ととなへて、 かの弥陀如来の仏恩を報ずべきなり。
されば南無阿弥陀仏ととなふるこころはいかんぞなれば、 阿弥陀如来の御たすけありつるありがたさたふとさよとおもひて、 それをよろこびまうすこころなりとおもふべきものなり。
あなかしこ、 あなかしこ。
Index of individual letters:
Other Resources:
Letters of Rennyo: The Essence of Shin Buddhism (essay/talk by Rev. Daien T. Haseo)
Letters of Rennyo – On Youtube (presented by Rev. Sugahara Yuki)
Complete Letters of Rennyo translation by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai follow this link to their website to download a copy.
To purchase the book ‘Letters of Rennyo’ , Translated by as part of the Hongwanji Shin Buddhism Translation Series, this is the publication information & link:

- Title :Letters of Rennyo
- ¥1,100
- Author :Shin Buddhism Translation Series
- Language :English
- ISBN :4-938490-20-X
- pages :164
Buy from Hongwanji International Center: https://international.hongwanji.or.jp/html/c3b1p1.html
If you would like a digital copy containing more translated letters than listed above (albeit not translated by Hongwanji), you can download a PDF from the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK – Amercia) website here: Link: https://bdkamerica.org/product/tannisho-passages-deploring-deviations-of-faith-and-rennyo-shonin-ofumi-the-letters-of-rennyo/
Credits: The text for the Letters of Rennyo as presented on this and subsequent pages was originally shared on the following site : http://www.yamadera.info/seiten/seiten_index.htm
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