5-17 All Women
All women, if you seriously care about the afterlife and turn to the Buddha Dharma with sincere devotion, you should just entrust yourselves deeply to Amida Tathagata and, casting aside various practices, single-heartedly rely on Amida with the firm assurance of your emancipation in the afterlife. Then you will be unfailingly born in the land of bliss. There should never be any doubt about this.
After having attained this understanding, you should simply say “Namo Amida Butsu, Namo Amida Butsu, …” whether awake or asleep, with gratitude and appreciation, accepting deep in your mind Amida Tathagata’s readiness to save you. You will then be called nembutsu practicers who have attained the entrusting heart.
Humbly and respectfully.
5-17 一切女人章
それ、 一切の女人の身は、 後生を大事におもひ、 仏法をたふとくおもふ心あらば、 なにのやうもなく、 阿弥陀如来をふかくたのみまゐらせて、 もろもろの雑行をふりすてて、 一心に後生を御たすけ候へとひしとたのまん女人は、 かならず極楽に往生すべきこと、 さらに疑あるべからず。
かやうにおもひとりてののちは、 ひたすら弥陀如来のやすく御たすけにあづかるべきことのありがたさ、 またたふとさよとふかく信じて、 ねてもさめても南無阿弥陀仏、 南無阿弥陀仏と申すべきばかりなり。 これを信心とりたる念仏者とは申すものなり。
あなかしこ、 あなかしこ。
Index of individual letters:
Other Resources:
Letters of Rennyo: The Essence of Shin Buddhism (essay/talk by Rev. Daien T. Haseo)
Letters of Rennyo – On Youtube (presented by Rev. Sugahara Yuki)
Complete Letters of Rennyo translation by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai follow this link to their website to download a copy.
To purchase the book ‘Letters of Rennyo’ , Translated by as part of the Hongwanji Shin Buddhism Translation Series, this is the publication information & link:

- Title :Letters of Rennyo
- ¥1,100
- Author :Shin Buddhism Translation Series
- Language :English
- ISBN :4-938490-20-X
- pages :164
Buy from Hongwanji International Center: https://international.hongwanji.or.jp/html/c3b1p1.html
If you would like a digital copy containing more translated letters than listed above (albeit not translated by Hongwanji), you can download a PDF from the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK – Amercia) website here: Link: https://bdkamerica.org/product/tannisho-passages-deploring-deviations-of-faith-and-rennyo-shonin-ofumi-the-letters-of-rennyo/
Credits: The text for the Letters of Rennyo as presented on this and subsequent pages was originally shared on the following site : http://www.yamadera.info/seiten/seiten_index.htm
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