“A monthly English service followed by a Dharma talk is conducted in the Information Center Conference Room. It is open to the public and anyone may attend.
The service consists of sutra chanting, Buddhist gatha singing, and a Dharma talk that is given in English. In May and November, there are special services: Gotan-e (Founder Shinran Shonin’s birthday celebration) and Ho-onko (Annual memorial for Shinran Shonin). A dinner gathering is held after the service on both occasions.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, physical services have been suspended till further notice. Videos of Dharma talks at Tsukiji Hongwanji English Dharma Service can be found on this playlist.” – Tsukiji Hongwanji
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Further links at the bottom of this page. New talks will be updated in the below embedded playlist with the most recent first.
Tsukiji Hongwanji 築地本願寺 English Dharma Services
April 2020 〜 March 2021
Please note that resumption of the English Dharma Services at Tsukiji Hongwanji will depend on the situation of the spread of the novel coronavirus in Tokyo and its surrounding.
Please refer to this webpage for the latest information. Thank you.

For more information: https://tsukijihongwanji.jp/lecture/saturday-english-service/
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Tsukiji Hongwanji English Dharma Service