Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished writing the Jōdo & Koso Wasan. Shozomatsu Wasan…
An online Resource for Hearing & Sharing The teaching of true entrusting, and a life of joy in the Nembutsu as established by Shinran Shonin
Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished writing the Jōdo & Koso Wasan. Shozomatsu Wasan…
5-22 The Teaching of Our Tradition If you wish to know thoroughly the essentials of the teaching recommended in our tradition and attain birth in…
5-21 Clear Statements in the Scriptures In attaining the settled mind recommended in our tradition, we should simply cast aside the inclination to perform various…
5-18 The Master of Our Tradition In attaining the settle mind recommended by Shinran, the Master of our tradition, we should simply disregard the fact…
5-17 All Women All women, if you seriously care about the afterlife and turn to the Buddha Dharma with sincere devotion, you should just entrust…
5-16 White Ashes When I deeply contemplate the transient nature of human existence, I realize that, form beginning to end, life is impermanent lie an…
5-13 The Unsurpassed, Profound Virtues The Name, “Na-mo-a-mi-da-butsu,” consists of only six characters, and so it may not appear to have much merit. Yet, the…
5-12 Holding on to Amida’s Sleeves Those who wish to know in detail the essentials of the settled mind in our tradition do not necessarily…
5-11 The Annual Memorial Observance for Shinran Shonin Among those of you who have come during the annual memorial observance for Shinran Shonin to attend…
5-10 The Tradition of Shinran Shonin What is taught in the tradition of Shinran Shonin is that the entrusting heart is essential. For when we…