Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished writing the Jōdo & Koso Wasan. Shozomatsu Wasan…
An online Resource for Hearing & Sharing The teaching of true entrusting, and a life of joy in the Nembutsu as established by Shinran Shonin
Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished writing the Jōdo & Koso Wasan. Shozomatsu Wasan…
Koso Wasan – On Youtube – Part 7: Genku (Honen) Shonin – Verses 98-119
Koso Wasan – On Youtube – Part 6: Master Genshin: Verses 88-97
Koso Wasan – On Youtube – Part 5: Master Shan-tao:Verses 62-87
<– Previous: Part 3: Wasan on T’an-luan – Verses 21-54 4. Master Tao-ch’o – Verses 55-61 Koso Wasan 55 Setting aside the myriad practices of the…
On this page you can enjoy listening to Ondokusan presented with the score below. Chanting and singing with others is fulfilling on many levels. So…
Shozomatsu Wasan – Hymns of the Dharma ages. Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished…
<– Previous: Part 2: Wasan on Bodhisattva Vasubandhu – Verses 11-20 3. Master T’an-luan – Verses 21-54 Koso Wasan 21 Our teacher, Master T’an-luan,Through the guidance…
<– Previous: Part 1: Wasan on Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna – Verses 1-10 * Please wait just a moment while the videos load – it’s worth the…