Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished writing the Jōdo & Koso Wasan. Shozomatsu Wasan…
An online Resource for Hearing & Sharing The teaching of true entrusting, and a life of joy in the Nembutsu as established by Shinran Shonin
Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished writing the Jōdo & Koso Wasan. Shozomatsu Wasan…
History of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism There are several sects of Buddhism each looking to the Buddha (Enlightened One) as its teacher. Different Buddhist sects celebrate…
On this page you will read the Transcript ‘With Saint Shinran By Rev. Dr. Yehan Numata’ from the Buddhist Culture Lecture Series – Sensoji Temple,…
Shinran broke his vows of celibacy by marrying the nun, Eshinni in 1210. It is understood that Shinran viewed marriage as a turning point when…
Shozomatsu Wasan – Hymns of the Dharma ages. Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished…
SHINRAN SHONIN May 21, 1173 – January 16, 1263 His Early LifeShonin Shinran was born at Hino, a few miles southeast of the old capital…
Shinran Shonin, at age 76 (1248), wrote the Jodo and Koso wasan, the first Hymns in Japanese. These Hymns are a wonderful insight into Shinran…