Below you can see the YouTube playlist for the daily service/study series by Oregon Buddhist Temple resident minister Sugahara Yuki – This will be an…
An online Resource for Hearing & Sharing The teaching of true entrusting, and a life of joy in the Nembutsu as established by Shinran Shonin
Below you can see the YouTube playlist for the daily service/study series by Oregon Buddhist Temple resident minister Sugahara Yuki – This will be an…
Koso Wasan – On Youtube – Part 7: Genku (Honen) Shonin – Verses 98-119
Koso Wasan – On Youtube – Part 6: Master Genshin: Verses 88-97
Ougonge is from the The Sutra on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life (aka: the Larger Sutra or Daikyo in Japan) and are ‘Verses of Going to Pay Reverence to Amida’.
Koso Wasan – On Youtube – Part 5: Master Shan-tao:Verses 62-87
<– Previous: Part 3: Wasan on T’an-luan – Verses 21-54 4. Master Tao-ch’o – Verses 55-61 Koso Wasan 55 Setting aside the myriad practices of the…
Since the start of the Corona-virus pandemic of 2020, the Oregon Buddhist Temple (OBT) resident minister, Rev. Sugahara Yuki, has diligently been presenting Jodo Shinshu content YouTube every…
<– Previous: Part 2: Wasan on Bodhisattva Vasubandhu – Verses 11-20 3. Master T’an-luan – Verses 21-54 Koso Wasan 21 Our teacher, Master T’an-luan,Through the guidance…
<– Previous: Part 1: Wasan on Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna – Verses 1-10 * Please wait just a moment while the videos load – it’s worth the…