For public safety during the corona-virus pandemic of 2020, many Jodo Shinshu Temples/Churches have had to close their doors to the general public and have…
An online Resource for Hearing & Sharing The teaching of true entrusting, and a life of joy in the Nembutsu as established by Shinran Shonin
For public safety during the corona-virus pandemic of 2020, many Jodo Shinshu Temples/Churches have had to close their doors to the general public and have…
History of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism There are several sects of Buddhism each looking to the Buddha (Enlightened One) as its teacher. Different Buddhist sects celebrate…
On this page you can listen to, and chant along with Chanting Instructor Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, chanting Shoshinge (Gyofu) [正信念仏偈]. Chanting with others is fulfilling…
On this page you can listen to, and chant along with Chanting Instructor Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, chanting Shoshinge (Gyofu) [正信念仏偈]. Chanting with others is fulfilling…
On this page you can listen to, and chant along with Chanting Instructor Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, chanting Shishinrai (至心礼). Chanting with others is fulfilling on…
On this page you can listen to, and chant along with Chanting Instructor Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, chanting Sanbujo (三奉請). Chanting with others is fulfilling on…
On this page you can listen to, and chant along with Chanting Instructor Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, chanting Sanbutsuge (讃仏偈). Chanting with others is fulfilling on…
On this page you can listen to, and chant along with Chanting Instructor Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, chanting Juseige (重誓偈). Chanting with others is fulfilling on…
On this page you can listen to, and chant along with Chanting Instructor Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, chanting Junirai (十二礼). Chanting with others is fulfilling on…