Shōshinge (正信偈) – line by line – On YouTube

Below you can see the YouTube playlist for the daily service/study series by Oregon Buddhist Temple resident minister Sugahara Yuki – This will be an exceptionally long playlist as Yuki-sensei is reading this line by line! How wonderful.

Please click the link below to go to the OBT YouTube channel where you are encouraged to ‘Subscribe’ and also hit the bell icon to enable notifications so you can get an update when the services are about to start.

Rev. Sugahara will be quoting a lot of work from Rev. Naigo, Rev. Kiritani, Kogastuin Jinei, Zonkaku Shonin and Renyo Shonin as well as adding some commentary of his own to help us understand the content as best he can.

Below you read Shoshinge Gyofu and Sofu styles . During the services you will chant Shoshinge in either Gyofu, Sofu or Junirai style. If the latter you can follow along with any of the below and ignore the score/intonation markings.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to the YouTube channel (or click on the link of the video above) as well as links to OBT temple website and Facebook pages. Plus a link to donate to Oregon Buddhist Temple to help support the amazing work in sharing the Dharma far and wide. Thank you for your support and for joining with us learning about Shōshinge (正信偈).



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We would like to thank Rev. Sugahara for his work and dedication to supporting us fools in this life with the Nembutsu teaching.


Namo Amida Butsu!

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