<– Previous: Part 5: Master Shan-tao:Verses 62-87
6. Master Genshin – Verses 88-97
Koso Wasan 88
Master Genshin stated:
‘Originally a Buddha, I appeared in this world;
The conditions for teaching others having already run their course,
I am returning to my primal land.’
Koso Wasan 89
Our teacher Genshin earnestly set forth,
From among all the teachings of the Buddha’s lifetime,
The single gateway of the Nembutsu,
And spread it among the beings of this defiled world in the
latter age.
Koso Wasan 90
Master Genshin, who was among the assembly
That heard Shakyamuni on Vulture Peak,
Taught the difference between the fulfilled and transformed lands,
Thereby clearly setting forth the benefit of the single praxis
over mixed.
Koso Wasan 91
Our teacher, Master Genshin,
Following the discourse of Master Huai-kan,
Quoted the Sutra of the Bodhisattva’s Dwelling in the Womb
To clarify the realm of indolence and pride.
Koso Wasan 92
In praise of persons of single practice,
He teaches that not one in a thousand will fail to attain birth;
In admonition of persons who perform mixed praxis,
He states that not one in ten thousand will be born.
Koso Wasan 93
He declares that births into the fulfilled Pure Land
Are not numerous,
And teaches that sentient beings born into transformed lands
Are not few.
Koso Wasan 94
For all people – men and women of high station or low-
Saying the Name of Amida is such
That whether one is walking, standing, sitting, or reclining is
of no concern
And time, place, and condition are not restricted.
Koso Wasan 95
My eyes being hindered by blind passions,
I cannot perceive the light that grasps me;
Yet the great compassion without tiring,
Illumines me always.
Koso Wasan 96
We who aspire for Amida’s fulfilled land,
Though we differ in outward condition and conduct,
Should truly receive the Name of the Primal Vow
And never forget it, whether waking or sleeping.
Koso Wasan 97
For sentient beings of extreme evil, profound and immense,
There is no other way;
Wholeheartedly saying the Name of Amida,
We will be born in the Pure Land.
–> Next: Part 7: Genku (Honen) Shonin – Verses 98-119
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We would like to thank Rev. Sugahara for his work and dedication to supporting us fools in this life with the Nembutsu teaching.
Namo Amida Butsu!