<– Previous: Part 3: Wasan on T’an-luan – Verses 21-54
4. Master Tao-ch’o – Verses 55-61
Koso Wasan 55
Setting aside the myriad practices of the Path of Sages,
Our teacher, Master Tao-ch’o,
Proclaims the single gate of the Pure Land way
As the only path that affords passage.
Koso Wasan 56
Setting aside his extensive work on the Nirvana Sutra,
Our teacher, Master Tao-ch’o,
Entrusted himself to Other Power – the working of
the Primal Vow –
And urged the multitudes of the world of the five defilements
to do so also.
Koso Wasan 57
Sentient beings of the five defilements in the last dharma-age
May perform the practices of the Path of Sages,
But not one will thereby attain realisation;
So states the World-honoured one, the master of the teaching.
Koso Wasan 58
Following the teaching of Master T’an-luan,
Master Tao-ch’o was determined
That to awaken aspiration for enlightenment and perform
practices in this world
Is the way of self-power.
Koso Wasan 59
Wrongdoing and evil acts in this defiled world
Are like violent winds and torrential rains;
All the Buddhas, sorrowed by this,
Urge us to take refuge in the Pure Land.
Koso Wasan 60
Though we may commit evil throughout our lives,
If we say the Nembutsu always
With our hearts turned wholly to Amida,
Our obstructions fall away by the [Vow’s] spontaneous working.
Koso Wasan 61
In order to guide sentient beings
Even though they commit evil all their lives,
Amida urges them to ‘say the Name,’
Vowing not to attain Buddhahood ‘if they are not born.’
–> NEXT: 5. Master Shan-tao:Verses 62-87
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We would like to thank Rev. Sugahara for his work and dedication to supporting us fools in this life with the Nembutsu teaching.
Namo Amida Butsu!