Rennyo Shonin

Gobunshō – 御文章 – Letters of Rennyo

Letters of Rennyo, known as Gobunshō (御文章) by Nishi Hongwanji or Ofumi (御文) by Higashi Hongwanji. Use the below index to read individual Letters of…

Shozomatsu Wasan by Shinran Shonin

Shozomatsu Wasan – Hymns of the Dharma ages. Shinran Shonin, at age 85 (1257), wrote the Shozomatsu Wasan, some nine years after he had finished…

The Collected Works of Shinran (CWS)

The Collected Works of Shinran (CWS) is one of the most valuable Shin Buddhist resources. It is the go-to source of reference for ‘Practicers’ of…

Recommended Reading

Thanks to the efforts of so many, we have a wealth of reading available in English (and other languages). If you are new to learning…