For the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist tradition, the Buddha Amida and the Pure Land of Utmost Bliss are of crucial importance. Traditionally both Amida and the Pure Land have been seen as both symbolic and actual, neither fully immanent nor fully transcendent. In recent times, however, the marginal view that we ought to see Amida exclusively as ‘a real person’ and the Pure Land as ‘a real place’ has emerged.
Category: Essays & Opinions

Al Bloom: I have entitled my talk with you Jishin Kyoninshin – Sharing Our Faith With The World. In approaching this topic I want to put it into the context of the situation of Jodo Shinshu in contemporary American society and the Western world.

This article examines the Pure Land Buddhist thinker Shinran (1173–1263), from whose teachings the Shin Buddhist tradition emerged. Shinran’s ideas provide an alternative model for considering moral judgments and issues related to violence.

This post has been written for the benefit of Temples, Academics and other content providers in the Shin Buddhist world. It has been, and remains,…

On this page you will read the Transcript ‘With Saint Shinran By Rev. Dr. Yehan Numata’ from the Buddhist Culture Lecture Series – Sensoji Temple,…