Chronology of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-Ha
Author: [Jōdo Shinshū 浄土真宗]
History of the Hongwanji. The Jodo Shinshu Buddhist path was founded by Shinran Shonin (1173-1263) during the Kamakura period, and in several centuries grew into one of the largest and most influential schools of Buddhism in Japan, a position it maintains today.
Message on ‘Our Pledge’by OHTANI Kojun, MonshuJodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha “Thank you for attending the perpetual memorial and autumn service at Hongwanji today. This annual service…

For public safety during the corona-virus pandemic of 2020, many Jodo Shinshu Temples/Churches have had to close their doors to the general public and have…

This article examines the Pure Land Buddhist thinker Shinran (1173–1263), from whose teachings the Shin Buddhist tradition emerged. Shinran’s ideas provide an alternative model for considering moral judgments and issues related to violence.

<– Previous: Part 3: Wasan on T’an-luan – Verses 21-54 4. Master Tao-ch’o – Verses 55-61 Koso Wasan 55 Setting aside the myriad practices of the…
A Way of Living as a Nembutsu Follower A message delivered by the 25th Monshu (Resident Minister of Hongwanji) OHTANI Kojun Buddhism began when Sakyamuni…
The Clarification of Once-calling and Many-calling RYŪKAN 1 These days the practice of the nembutsu is being entangled in vigorous debate over the doctrines of…
Please enjoy listening to Film maker Seki Yujiro, producer of the documentary Carving the Divine, interviewing Rev. Dr. Enrique Galvan-Alvarez of the Shin Buddhist Fellowship…
Tannisho – A Record in Lament of Divergences Preface As I humbly reflect on the past [when the late Master was alive] and the present…